CHORUS, the “literary mix tape,”

Saul has been touring and came to Los Angeles Sept. 22nd for a one-night engagement at the Hotel Cafe. Unlike any spoken word tour (or spoken word artist) I’ve seen, Saul shared the stage with not only myself and contributors Beau Sia (pictured at right with myself and Saul) and Eden Jeffries who were in the house, but with any poet who wanted to read.
This is the point of CHORUS— many poets, one voice. Saul also read new work and took questions. It was an amazing night for all those who were lucky enough to attend. The book and the tour have been a major success already and I am so honored to be a part of it.
Click HERE for a quick video of the night in case you missed it.
Only two more appearances on the tour (New Orleans and Atlanta) for info on those shows click HERE.